Use the power of sledge to escape the orc fortress! 

Fullscreen is recommended. I didn't get enough time to add sound but you can play medieval music in the background if you want.

Made by undercoverworm under 48 hours

Tileset and sprites by 0x72 (16x16 Dungeon Tileset on

Made using Godot Engine

Development log


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hammer mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy


Oog Boog smash orc 😳🤤🤤💖


Did you make it for a jam? The hammer with its huge recoil definitely has potential. The hitbox is large enough so it's not too frustrating. Sound would be nice :)

I made it for a personal challenge to make a game within a 48 hour time limit. I don't think I'll be adding to it in the future since its meant to showcase my current potential within that time, but maybe I'll experiment more with the mechanic in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

fun gimmick and fair amount of depth in the hammer mechanic, the knockback from the hammer has the potential to launch you into enemies, which creates some very harrowing moments

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks a lot for the feedback!